October 2023 Newsletter
Contents 📋
We have finished October and winter is at the door. Get cozy get yourself a hot beverage and let's go! There's a lot to go.
I took up origami for a while, but I gave it up because it was too much paperwork. 🥁

News & Explore
News & Explore
Next.js 14 is out!
Vercel team have been working full throttle to release new version of Next.js with the course "Next.js Learn" that is out there for you. Turbopack, server actions, partial prerendering and more...
https://nextjs.org/blog/next-14 (opens in a new tab)
State of React
As you all might know already, there are many "State of X" surveys from Devographics. New one has just released for React. Contribute the survey what you are using and what you want to use maybe you will see something that you are not aware yet!
https://survey.devographics.com/en-US/survey/state-of-react/2023 (opens in a new tab)
Calculating with CSS
CSS has many functions and many ways to handle calculations: "calc", "clamp", "minmax" and more. There are 2 new functions for you: "rem" and "mod"
https://danielcwilson.com/posts/mathematicss-rem-mod/ (opens in a new tab)
Generetive UI
Yes! You heard it right. You can generate UI that is ready to use, you can change and iterate the UI that it generates. The best thing: you can export as React or Pure HTML.
https://vercel.com/blog/announcing-v0-generative-ui (opens in a new tab)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhTyuuDZe4w (opens in a new tab)
Node.js 21 release and Node.js 20 become LTS
A while after Node.js 21 release, Node.js 20 became LTS so do not forget to update your applications and make sure all your libraries are compatible.
Node.js 21: https://nodejs.org/en/blog/announcements/v21-release-announce (opens in a new tab)
Node.js 20(LTS): https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v20.9.0 (opens in a new tab)
Read & Watch
Generating 5000 pages with Next.js and metrics (opens in a new tab)
Why not Next.js (opens in a new tab) vs Why Next.js (opens in a new tab)
Simple Optimization on Postgres (opens in a new tab)
Çeviri henüz hazırlanmadı, katkı sağlamak isterseniz GitHub (opens in a new tab)