August 2023 Newsletter
Contents 📋
Summer is ending slowly, hope you all had a great rest in the summer let’s dive in to last newsletter from summer.

News & Explore
Typescript 5.2
TypeScript is growing every day and new version is out already. "using" declarations coming up and making sure sources are managed correctly. And more is on the line...
Typescript 5.2 Beta (opens in a new tab)
Caching in Next.js (App Router)
With the App Router landing on Next.js and React Server Components, developers were confused how the caching and App Router works with it. So Tim Neutkens (Mainteiner of Next.js) has wrote down explanation about it.
Discussion on Vercel (opens in a new tab)
Docs on Next.js 13 (opens in a new tab)
JS is weird
How much do you trust your JavaScript skills? Take the test below and be surprised how weird JavaScript is. As a bonus we have a video about that.
JS is weird (opens in a new tab)
Modernizing Packages to ESM
ES Modules are getting more popularity, and the community with this popularity switching to ESM. One of the widely used packages in the ecosystem is Redux. Mark Erikson (maintainer of Redux, Redux-toolkit and more) has brought his opinions and experience while he was switching packages to ESM.
ESM Modernization (opens in a new tab)
Captcha vs ML Bots
ML and AI space is growing everyday with unexpected rate. The study shows they are better and faster than humans on solving Captcha. So what's next for making sure visitors of the websites are not robots.
Arxiv Docs (opens in a new tab)
Read & Watch
Why web components are not used? 📰 (opens in a new tab)
What makes a strategy great 📰 (opens in a new tab)
Pagination in MySQL 📺 (opens in a new tab)
This month's challenge is all about types. We want to implement a type called Last<T>
which will give us the last value in the array as a type. Let's check the example:
type arr1 = ["a", "b", "c"];
type arr2 = [3, 2, 1];
type tail1 = Last<arr1>; // expected to be 'c'
type tail2 = Last<arr2>; // expected to be 1
This challenge is coming to you from my favourite places to test myself and solve some challenges.
Kudos to (opens in a new tab)
Çeviri henüz hazırlanmadı, katkı sağlamak isterseniz GitHub (opens in a new tab)